Source code for geospade.errors

""" Module collecting some often used error messages. """

[docs]class GeometryUnknown(Exception): """ Class to handle exceptions thrown by unknown geometry types.""" def __init__(self, geometry): """ Constructor of `GeometryUnknown`. Parameters ---------- geometry : ogr.Geometry An OGR geometry. """ self.message = "The given geometry type '{}' cannot be used.".format(type(geometry)) def __str__(self) -> str: """ String representation of this class. """ return self.message
[docs]class SrefUnknown(Exception): """ Class to handle exceptions thrown by an unknown spatial reference system. """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor of `SrefUnknown`. """ self.message = "No spatial reference system information is supplied." def __str__(self) -> str: """ String representation of this class. """ return self.message