Source code for geospade.raster

""" Module containing class definitions for rasters. """

import os
import sys
import copy
import warnings
import cartopy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import shapely
import json
from osgeo import ogr
from collections import OrderedDict
import shapely.wkt
from shapely import affinity
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.ops import unary_union
from typing import Tuple, List
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon as PolygonPatch

from import polar_point
from import is_rectangular
from import bbox_to_polygon
from import rasterise_polygon
from import rel_extent
from import _round_polygon_coords
from geospade.transform import build_geotransform
from geospade.transform import xy2ij
from geospade.transform import ij2xy
from geospade.transform import transform_coords
from geospade.transform import transform_geom
from import SpatialRef
from geospade import DECIMALS

def _align_geom(align=False):
    A decorator which checks if a spatial reference is available for an `OGR.geometry` object and optionally reprojects
    the given geometry to the spatial reference of the raster geometry.

    align : bool, optional
        If `align` is true, then the given geometry will be reprojected to the spatial reference of
        the raster geometry.

        Wrapper around `f`.

    The OGR geometry is assumed to be given in first place


    def decorator(f, *args, **kwargs):
        Decorator calling wrapper function.

        f : callable
            Function to wrap around/execute.

            Wrapper function.

        def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            geom = args[0]
            geom = geom.boundary if isinstance(geom, RasterGeometry) else geom
            other_osr_sref = geom.GetSpatialReference()  # ogr geometry is assumed to be the first argument
            if other_osr_sref is None:
                err_msg = "Spatial reference of the given geometry is not set."
                raise AttributeError(err_msg)

            # warp the geometry to the spatial reference of the raster geometry if they are not the same
            if align and hasattr(self, "sref") and not self.sref.osr_sref.IsSame(other_osr_sref):
                wrpd_geom = transform_geom(geom, self.sref)
                wrpd_geom = geom

            return f(self, wrpd_geom, *args[1:], **kwargs)

        return wrapper
    return decorator

[docs]class RasterGeometry: """ Represents the geometry of a georeferenced raster. It describes the extent and the grid of the raster along with its spatial reference. The (boundary) geometry can also be used as an OGR geometry, to interact with other geometries. """ def __init__(self, n_rows, n_cols, sref, geotrans=(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1), name=None, description="", px_origin="ul", parent=None): """ Constructor of the `RasterGeometry` class. Parameters ---------- n_rows : int Number of pixel rows. n_cols : int Number of pixel columns. sref : Instance representing the spatial reference of the geometry. geotrans : 6-tuple, optional GDAL geotransformation tuple. name : str, optional Name of the geometry. description : string, optional Verbal description of the geometry (defaults to ""). px_origin : str, optional Defines the world system origin of the pixel. It can be: - upper left ("ul", default) - upper right ("ur") - lower right ("lr") - lower left ("ll") - center ("c") parent : RasterGeometry Parent `RasterGeometry` instance. """ self.n_rows = n_rows self.n_cols = n_cols self.geotrans = geotrans self.sref = sref = name self.description = description self.parent = parent self.px_origin = px_origin self.boundary = self.__ogr_boundary()
[docs] @classmethod def from_extent(cls, extent, sref, x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size, **kwargs) -> "RasterGeometry": """ Creates a `RasterGeometry` object from a given extent (in units of the spatial reference) and pixel sizes in both pixel-grid directions (pixel sizes determine the resolution). Parameters ---------- extent : tuple or list with 4 entries Coordinates defining the extent from the lower-left to the upper-right corner. This extent and the `outer_boundary_extent` definition are equal. (lower left x, lower left y, upper right x, upper right y) sref : Spatial reference of the geometry/extent. x_pixel_size : float Absolute pixel size in X direction. y_pixel_size : float Absolute pixel size in Y direction. **kwargs Keyword arguments for `RasterGeometry` constructor, i.e. `name`, `description`, or `parent`. Returns ------- geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Raster geometry object defined by the given extent and pixel sizes. Notes ----- The upper-left corner of the extent is assumed to be the (pixel) origin. """ ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y = extent width, height = ur_x - ll_x, ur_y - ll_y # calculate upper-left corner for geotransform ul_x, ul_y = polar_point(ll_x, ll_y, height, np.pi / 2., deg=False) geotrans = (ul_x, x_pixel_size, 0, ul_y, 0, -y_pixel_size) n_rows = int(round(height / y_pixel_size, DECIMALS)) n_cols = int(round(width / x_pixel_size, DECIMALS)) return cls(n_rows, n_cols, sref, geotrans=geotrans, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod @_align_geom(align=True) def from_geometry(cls, geom, x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size, **kwargs) -> "RasterGeometry": """ Creates a `RasterGeometry` object from an existing geometry object. Since `RasterGeometry` can represent rectangles only, non-rectangular shapely objects get converted into their bounding boxes. Since, e.g. a `Shapely` geometry is not geo-referenced, the spatial reference has to be specified. Moreover, the resolution in both pixel grid directions has to be given. Parameters ---------- geom : ogr.Geometry Geometry object from which the `RasterGeometry` object should be created. x_pixel_size : float Absolute pixel size in X direction. y_pixel_size : float Absolute pixel size in Y direction. **kwargs Keyword arguments for `RasterGeometry` constructor, i.e. `name`, `description`, or `parent`. Returns ------- geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Raster geometry object defined by the extent of the given geometry and the pixel sizes. Notes ----- The upper-left corner of the geometry/extent is assumed to be the (pixel) origin. """ sref = SpatialRef.from_osr(geom.GetSpatialReference()) geom_ch = geom.ConvexHull() geom_sh = shapely.wkt.loads(geom_ch.ExportToWkt()) if is_rectangular(geom_ch): # the polygon can be described directly as a RasterGeometry geom_pts = list(geom_sh.exterior.coords) # get boundary coordinates # separate coordinates xs = np.array([geom_pt[0] for geom_pt in geom_pts[:-1]]) ys = np.array([geom_pt[1] for geom_pt in geom_pts[:-1]]) # find corner coordinates # first, find upper left coordinates (a corner with the highest y coordinate from the two with the # smallest x coordinate) ul_idx_1 = np.argmin(xs) xs_tmp = copy.copy(xs) xs_tmp[ul_idx_1] = np.max(xs) ul_idx_2 = np.argmin(xs_tmp) if ys[ul_idx_1] >= ys[ul_idx_2]: ul_idx = ul_idx_1 else: ul_idx = ul_idx_2 # based on the upper left corner, find the other corner coordinates if geom_sh.exterior.is_ccw: ul_x = xs[ul_idx] ul_y = ys[ul_idx] ur_x = xs[ul_idx-1] ur_y = ys[ul_idx-1] lr_x = xs[ul_idx-2] lr_y = ys[ul_idx-2] ll_x = xs[ul_idx-3] ll_y = ys[ul_idx-3] else: ul_x = xs[ul_idx] ul_y = ys[ul_idx] ll_x = xs[ul_idx - 1] ll_y = ys[ul_idx - 1] lr_x = xs[ul_idx - 2] lr_y = ys[ul_idx - 2] ur_x = xs[ul_idx - 3] ur_y = ys[ul_idx - 3] # azimuth of the bottom base of the rectangle = orientation rot = np.arctan2(lr_y - ll_y, lr_x - ll_x) rot = rot*-1 if rot >= 0. else rot # create GDAL geotransform geotrans = build_geotransform(ul_x, ul_y, x_pixel_size, -y_pixel_size, rot, deg=False) # define raster properties width = np.hypot(lr_x - ll_x, lr_y - ll_y) height = np.hypot(ur_x - lr_x, ur_y - lr_y) n_rows = int(round(height / y_pixel_size, DECIMALS)) n_cols = int(round(width / x_pixel_size, DECIMALS)) return RasterGeometry(n_rows, n_cols, sref, geotrans=geotrans, **kwargs) else: # geom is not a rectangle bbox = geom_sh.bounds return cls.from_extent(bbox, sref, x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_raster_geometries(cls, raster_geoms, **kwargs) -> "RasterGeometry": """ Creates a raster geometry, which contains all the given raster geometries given by ˋraster_geomsˋ. Parameters ---------- raster_geoms : list of geospade.raster.RasterGeometry List of `RasterGeometry` objects. Returns ------- geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Raster geometry containing all given raster geometries. Notes ----- All raster geometries must have the same spatial reference system and pixel sizes. """ # first geometry serves as a reference sref = raster_geoms[0].sref x_pixel_size = raster_geoms[0].x_pixel_size y_pixel_size = raster_geoms[0].y_pixel_size x_coords = [] y_coords = [] for raster_geom in raster_geoms: if raster_geom.sref != sref: raise ValueError('Geometries have a different spatial reference.') if raster_geom.x_pixel_size != x_pixel_size: raise ValueError('Geometries have different pixel-sizes in x direction.') if raster_geom.y_pixel_size != y_pixel_size: raise ValueError('Geometries have different pixel-sizes in y direction.') min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = raster_geom.outer_boundary_extent x_coords.extend([min_x, max_x]) y_coords.extend([min_y, max_y]) extent = (min(x_coords), min(y_coords), max(x_coords), max(y_coords)) return cls.from_extent(extent, sref, x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_definition(cls, definition) -> "RasterGeometry": """ Creates a raster geometry from a human-readable raster geometry definition, which is a dictionary containing the following elements: - 'number_of_rows' - 'number_of_columns' - 'spatial_reference' - 'geotransformation' - 'name' - 'description' - 'pixel_origin' The expected values can be taken from the `RasterGeometry` constructor docs. Parameters ---------- definition : dict Raster geometry definition. Returns ------- geospade.raster.RasterGeometry """ n_rows = definition['number_of_rows'] n_cols = definition['number_of_columns'] sref = SpatialRef(definition['spatial_reference']) geotrans = tuple(definition['geotransformation']) name = definition['name'] description = definition['description'] px_origin = definition['pixel_origin'] return cls(n_rows, n_cols, sref, geotrans, name, description, px_origin)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, filepath) -> "RasterGeometry": """ Creates a raster geometry from a human-readable raster geometry definition in a JSON file. The structure of the dictionary is described in more detail in the `from_definition` classmethod. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Full JSON file path. Returns ------- geospade.raster.RasterGeometry """ with open(filepath, 'r') as tmp_file: json_dict = json.load(tmp_file) return cls.from_definition(json_dict)
@property def parent_root(self) -> "RasterGeometry": """ Finds and returns the root/original parent `RasterGeometry`. """ raster_geom = self while raster_geom.parent is not None: raster_geom = raster_geom.parent return raster_geom @property def ori(self) -> float: """ Counter-clockwise orientation of the raster geometry in radians with respect to the W-E direction/horizontal. """ return -np.arctan2(self.geotrans[2], self.geotrans[1]) @property def is_axis_parallel(self) -> bool: """ True if the `RasterGeometry` is not rotated , i.e. it is axis-parallel. """ return self.ori == 0. @property def ll_x(self) -> float: """ X coordinate of the lower left corner. """ x, _ = self.rc2xy(self.n_rows - 1, 0, px_origin=self.px_origin) return x @property def ll_y(self) -> float: """ Y coordinate of the lower left corner. """ _, y = self.rc2xy(self.n_rows - 1, 0, px_origin=self.px_origin) return y @property def ul_x(self) -> float: """ X coordinate of the upper left corner. """ x, _ = self.rc2xy(0, 0, px_origin=self.px_origin) return x @property def ul_y(self) -> float: """ Y coordinate of the upper left corner. """ _, y = self.rc2xy(0, 0, px_origin=self.px_origin) return y @property def ur_x(self) -> float: """ X coordinate of the upper right corner. """ x, _ = self.rc2xy(0, self.n_cols - 1, px_origin=self.px_origin) return x @property def ur_y(self) -> float: """ Y coordinate of the upper right corner. """ _, y = self.rc2xy(0, self.n_cols - 1, px_origin=self.px_origin) return y @property def lr_x(self) -> float: """ X coordinate of the upper right corner. """ x, _ = self.rc2xy(self.n_rows - 1, self.n_cols - 1, px_origin=self.px_origin) return x @property def lr_y(self) -> float: """ Y coordinate of the upper right corner. """ _, y = self.rc2xy(self.n_rows - 1, self.n_cols - 1, px_origin=self.px_origin) return y @property def x_pixel_size(self) -> float: """ Pixel size in X direction. """ return np.hypot(self.geotrans[1], self.geotrans[2]) @property def y_pixel_size(self) -> float: """ Pixel size in Y direction. """ return np.hypot(self.geotrans[4], self.geotrans[5]) @property def h_pixel_size(self) -> float: """ Pixel size in W-E direction (equal to `x_pixel_size` if the `RasterGeometry` is axis-parallel). """ return self.x_pixel_size / np.cos(self.ori) @property def v_pixel_size(self) -> float: """ Pixel size in N-S direction (equal to `y_pixel_size` if the `RasterGeometry` is axis-parallel). """ return self.y_pixel_size / np.cos(self.ori) @property def x_size(self) -> float: """ Width of the raster geometry in world system coordinates. """ return self.n_cols * self.x_pixel_size @property def y_size(self) -> float: """ Height of the raster geometry in world system coordinates. """ return self.n_rows * self.y_pixel_size @property def width(self) -> int: """ Width of the raster geometry in pixels. """ return self.n_cols @property def height(self) -> int: """ Height of the raster geometry in pixels. """ return self.n_rows @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Returns the shape of the raster geometry, which is defined by the height and width in pixels. """ return self.height, self.width @property def coord_extent(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: """ Extent of the raster geometry with the pixel origins defined during initialisation (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y). """ return min([self.ll_x, self.ul_x]), min([self.ll_y, self.lr_y]), \ max([self.ur_x, self.lr_x]), max([self.ur_y, self.ul_y]) @property def outer_boundary_extent(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: """ Outer extent of the raster geometry containing every pixel (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y). """ ll_x, ll_y = self.rc2xy(self.n_rows - 1, 0, px_origin="ll") ur_x, ur_y = self.rc2xy(0, self.n_cols - 1, px_origin="ur") lr_x, lr_y = self.rc2xy(self.n_rows - 1, self.n_cols - 1, px_origin="lr") ul_x, ul_y = self.rc2xy(0, 0, px_origin="ul") return min([ll_x, ul_x]), min([ll_y, lr_y]), max([ur_x, lr_x]), max([ur_y, ul_y]) @property def size(self) -> int: """ Number of pixels covered by the raster geometry. """ return self.width * self.height @property def centre(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Centre defined by the mass centre of the vertices. """ return shapely.wkt.loads(self.boundary.Centroid().ExportToWkt()).coords[0] @property def outer_boundary_corners(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]]: """ 4-list of 2-tuples : A tuple containing all corners (convex hull, pixel extent) in a clock-wise order (lower left, lower right, upper right, upper left). """ ll_x, ll_y = self.rc2xy(self.n_rows - 1, 0, px_origin="ll") ur_x, ur_y = self.rc2xy(0, self.n_cols - 1, px_origin="ur") lr_x, lr_y = self.rc2xy(self.n_rows - 1, self.n_cols - 1, px_origin="lr") ul_x, ul_y = self.rc2xy(0, 0, px_origin="ul") corner_pts = ((ll_x, ll_y), (ul_x, ul_y), (ur_x, ur_y), (lr_x, lr_y)) return corner_pts @property def coord_corners(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]]: """ A tuple containing all corners (convex hull, coordinate extent) in a clock-wise order (lower left, lower right, upper right, upper left). """ corner_pts = ((self.ll_x, self.ll_y), (self.ul_x, self.ul_y), (self.ur_x, self.ur_y), (self.lr_x, self.lr_y)) return corner_pts @property def x_coords(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns all coordinates in X direction. """ if self.is_axis_parallel: min_x, _ = self.rc2xy(0, 0) max_x, _ = self.rc2xy(0, self.n_cols) return np.arange(min_x, max_x, self.x_pixel_size) else: cols = np.array(range(self.n_cols)) return self.rc2xy(0, cols)[0] @property def y_coords(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns all coordinates in Y direction. """ if self.is_axis_parallel: _, min_y = self.rc2xy(self.n_rows, 0) _, max_y = self.rc2xy(0, 0) return np.arange(max_y, min_y, -self.y_pixel_size) else: rows = np.array(range(self.n_rows)) return self.rc2xy(rows, 0)[1] @property def xy_coords(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Returns meshgrid of both coordinates X and Y. """ if self.is_axis_parallel: x_coords, y_coords = np.meshgrid(self.x_coords, self.y_coords, indexing='ij') else: rows, cols = np.meshgrid(np.arange(self.n_rows), np.arange(self.n_cols), indexing='ij') x_coords, y_coords = self.rc2xy(rows, cols) return x_coords, y_coords @property def boundary_ogr(self) -> ogr.Geometry: """ Returns OGR geometry representation of the boundary of a `RasterGeometry`. """ return self.boundary @property def boundary_wkt(self) -> str: """ Returns Well Known Text (WKT) representation of the boundary of a `RasterGeometry`. """ return self.boundary.ExportToWkt() @property def boundary_shapely(self) -> shapely.geometry.Polygon: """ Boundary of the raster geometry represented as a Shapely polygon. """ return shapely.wkt.loads(self.boundary.ExportToWkt())
[docs] def is_raster_coord(self, x, y, sref=None) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: """ Checks if a point in the world system exactly lies on the raster grid spanned by the raster geometry. Parameters ---------- x : float World system coordinate in X direction. y : float World system coordinate in Y direction. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference of the coordinates. Has to be given if the spatial reference is different than the spatial reference of the raster geometry. Returns ------- bool : True if the specified X coordinate is located on the grid. bool : True if the specified Y coordinate is located on the grid. """ if sref is not None: x, y = transform_coords(x, y, sref, self.sref.osr_sref) # own implementation of modulo operator due to rounding issues x_ratio = np.around(x / self.x_pixel_size, decimals=DECIMALS) y_ratio = np.around(y / self.y_pixel_size, decimals=DECIMALS) x_is_on_grid = abs(int(x_ratio) - x_ratio) <= (10**-DECIMALS) y_is_on_grid = abs(int(y_ratio) - y_ratio) <= (10**-DECIMALS) return x_is_on_grid, y_is_on_grid
[docs] @_align_geom(align=True) def intersects(self, other, sref=None) -> bool: """ Evaluates if this `RasterGeometry` instance and another geometry intersect. Parameters ---------- other : ogr.Geometry or geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Other geometry to evaluate an intersection with. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference of `other`. Has to be given if the spatial reference is different than the spatial reference of the raster geometry. Returns ------- bool True if both geometries intersect, false if not. """ return self.boundary.Intersects(other)
[docs] @_align_geom(align=True) def touches(self, other, sref=None) -> bool: """ Evaluates if this `RasterGeometry` instance and another geometry touch each other. Parameters ---------- other : ogr.Geometry or geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Other geometry to evaluate a touch operation with. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference of `other`. Has to be given if the spatial reference is different than the spatial reference of the raster geometry. Returns ------- bool True if both geometries touch each other, false if not. """ return _round_polygon_coords(self.boundary, DECIMALS).Touches(_round_polygon_coords(other, DECIMALS))
[docs] @_align_geom(align=True) def within(self, other, sref=None) -> bool: """ Evaluates if the raster geometry is fully within another geometry. Parameters ---------- other : ogr.Geometry or geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Other geometry to evaluate a within operation with. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference of `other`. Has to be given if the spatial reference is different than the spatial reference of the raster geometry. Returns ------- bool True if the given geometry is within the raster geometry, false if not. """ return self.boundary.Within(other)
[docs] @_align_geom(align=True) def overlaps(self, other, sref=None) -> bool: """ Evaluates if a geometry overlaps with the raster geometry. Parameters ---------- other : ogr.Geometry or geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Other geometry to evaluate an overlaps operation with. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference of `other`. Has to be given if the spatial reference is different than the spatial reference of the raster geometry. Returns ------- bool True if the given geometry overlaps the raster geometry, false if not. """ return self.boundary.Overlaps(other)
[docs] @_align_geom(align=True) def slice_by_geom(self, other, sref=None, snap_to_grid=True, inplace=False, **kwargs) -> "RasterGeometry": """ Computes an intersection figure of two geometries and returns its (grid axis-parallel rectangle) bounding box as a raster geometry. Parameters ---------- other : ogr.Geometry or geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Other geometry to intersect with. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference of `other`. Has to be given if the spatial reference is different than the spatial reference of the raster geometry. snap_to_grid : bool, optional If true, the computed corners of the intersection are rounded off to nearest pixel corner (default). inplace : bool If true, the current instance will be modified. If false, a new `RasterGeometry` instance will be created (default). **kwargs : Additional keyword arguments for the `RasterGeometry` constructor, e.g. `name` or `description`. Returns ------- geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Raster geometry instance defined by the bounding box of the intersection geometry. """ if not inplace: raster_geom = copy.deepcopy(self) return raster_geom.slice_by_geom(other, sref=sref, snap_to_grid=snap_to_grid, inplace=True, parent=self, **kwargs) if not self.intersects(other): return intersection = self.boundary.Intersection(other) bbox = intersection.GetEnvelope() if snap_to_grid: new_ll_x, new_ll_y = self.snap_to_grid(bbox[0], bbox[2], px_origin="ll") new_ur_x, new_ur_y = self.snap_to_grid(bbox[1], bbox[3], px_origin="ur") bbox = [new_ll_x, new_ur_x, new_ll_y, new_ur_y] bbox = [bbox[0], bbox[2], bbox[1], bbox[3]] intsct_raster_geom = self.from_extent(bbox, self.sref, self.x_pixel_size, self.y_pixel_size, px_origin=self.px_origin) parent = kwargs.get('parent') self.parent = parent if parent else copy.deepcopy(self) = kwargs.get('name', self.description = kwargs.get('description', self.description) self.boundary = intsct_raster_geom.boundary self.n_rows = intsct_raster_geom.n_rows self.n_cols = intsct_raster_geom.n_cols self.geotrans = intsct_raster_geom.geotrans return self
[docs] def slice_by_rc(self, row, col, height=1, width=1, inplace=False, **kwargs) -> "RasterGeometry": """ Intersects the raster geometry with a pixel extent. Parameters ---------- row : int Top-left row number of the pixel window anchor. col : int Top-left column number of the pixel window anchor. height : int, optional Number of rows/height of the pixel window. width : int, optional Number of columns/width of the pixel window. inplace : bool If true, the current instance will be modified (default). If false, a new `RasterGeometry` instance will be created (default). **kwargs : Additional keyword arguments for the `RasterGeometry` constructor, e.g. `name` or `description`. Returns ------- geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Raster geometry instance defined by the pixel extent. """ if not inplace: raster_geom = copy.deepcopy(self) return raster_geom.slice_by_rc(row, col, height=height, width=width, inplace=True, parent=self, **kwargs) max_row = row + height - 1 # -1 because of Python indexing max_col = col + width - 1 # -1 because of Python indexing min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col = self.__align_pixel_extent(min_row=row, min_col=col, max_row=max_row, max_col=max_col) ul_x, ul_y = self.rc2xy(min_row, min_col, px_origin='ul') geotrans = build_geotransform(ul_x, ul_y, self.x_pixel_size, -self.y_pixel_size, 0) parent = kwargs.get('parent') self.parent = parent if parent else copy.deepcopy(self) = kwargs.get('name', self.description = kwargs.get('description', self.description) self.n_rows = height self.n_cols = width self.geotrans = geotrans self.boundary = self.__ogr_boundary() return self
[docs] def xy2rc(self, x, y, sref=None, px_origin=None) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Calculates an index of a pixel in which a given point of a world system lies. Parameters ---------- x : float World system coordinate in X direction. y : float World system coordinate in Y direction. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference of the coordinates. Has to be given if the spatial reference is different than the spatial reference of the raster geometry. px_origin : str, optional Defines the world system origin of the pixel. It can be: - upper left ("ul") - upper right ("ur") - lower right ("lr") - lower left ("ll") - center ("c") Defaults to None, using the class internal pixel origin. Returns ------- r : int Pixel row number. c : int Pixel column number. Notes ----- Rounds to the closest, lower integer. """ if sref is not None: x, y = transform_coords(x, y, sref, self.sref) px_origin = self.px_origin if px_origin is None else px_origin c, r = xy2ij(x, y, self.geotrans, origin=px_origin) return r, c
[docs] def rc2xy(self, r, c, px_origin=None) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Returns the coordinates of the center or a corner (depending on ˋpx_originˋ) of a pixel specified by a row and column number. Parameters ---------- r : int Pixel row number. c : int Pixel column number. px_origin : str, optional Defines the world system origin of the pixel. It can be: - upper left ("ul") - upper right ("ur") - lower right ("lr") - lower left ("ll") - center ("c") Defaults to None, using the class internal pixel origin. Returns ------- x : float World system coordinate in X direction. y : float World system coordinate in Y direction. """ px_origin = self.px_origin if px_origin is None else px_origin return ij2xy(c, r, self.geotrans, origin=px_origin)
[docs] def snap_to_grid(self, x, y, sref=None, px_origin="ul") -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Floors the given world system coordinates `x` and `y` to a coordinate point of the grid spanned by the raster geometry. The coordinate anchor specified by `px_origin` is then returned. Parameters ---------- x : float World system coordinate in X direction. y : float World system coordinate in Y direction. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference of the coordinates. Has to be given if the spatial reference is different than the spatial reference of the raster geometry. px_origin : str, optional Defines the world system origin of the pixel. It can be: - upper left ("ul", default) - upper right ("ur") - lower right ("lr") - lower left ("ll") - center ("c") Returns ------- new_x : float Raster geometry grid coordinate in X direction related to the origin defined by `px_origin`. new_y : float Raster geometry grid coordinate in Y direction related to the origin defined by `px_origin`. """ new_x, new_y = x, y x_on_grid, y_on_grid = self.is_raster_coord(x, y, sref=sref) if not (x_on_grid and y_on_grid): row, col = self.xy2rc(x, y, sref=sref, px_origin=self.px_origin) algnd_x, algnd_y = self.rc2xy(row, col, px_origin=px_origin) if not x_on_grid: new_x = algnd_x if not y_on_grid: new_y = algnd_y return new_x, new_y
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, facecolor='tab:red', edgecolor='black', edgewidth=1, alpha=1., proj=None, show=False, label_geom=False, add_country_borders=True, extent=None): """ Plots the boundary of the raster geometry on a map. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.axes Pre-defined Matplotlib axis. facecolor : str, optional Color code as described at (default is 'tab:red'). edgecolor : str, optional Color code as described at (default is 'black'). edgewidth : float, optional Width the of edge line (defaults to 1). alpha : float, optional Opacity (default is 1.). proj :, optional Cartopy projection instance defining the projection of the axes (default is None). If None, the projection of the spatial reference system of the raster geometry is taken. show : bool, optional If True, the plot result is shown (default is False). label_geom : bool, optional If True, the geometry name is plotted at the center of the raster geometry (default is False). add_country_borders : bool, optional If True, country borders are added to the plot (`cartopy.feature.BORDERS`) (default is False). extent : tuple or list, optional Coordinate/Map extent of the plot, given as [min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y] (default is None, meaning global extent). Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.axes Matplotlib axis containing a Cartopy map with the plotted raster geometry boundary. """ if 'matplotlib' in sys.modules: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt else: err_msg = "Module 'matplotlib' is mandatory for plotting a RasterGeometry object." raise ImportError(err_msg) this_proj = self.sref.to_cartopy_proj() if proj is None: other_proj = this_proj else: other_proj = proj if ax is None: ax = plt.axes(projection=other_proj) ax.set_global() ax.gridlines() if add_country_borders: ax.coastlines() ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.BORDERS) patch = PolygonPatch(list(self.boundary_shapely.exterior.coords), facecolor=facecolor, alpha=alpha, zorder=0, edgecolor=edgecolor, linewidth=edgewidth, transform=this_proj) ax.add_patch(patch) if extent is not None: ax.set_xlim([extent[0], extent[2]]) ax.set_ylim([extent[1], extent[3]]) if is not None and label_geom: transform = this_proj._as_mpl_transform(ax) ax.annotate(str(, xy=self.centre, xycoords=transform, va="center", ha="center") if show: return ax
[docs] def scale(self, scale_factor, inplace=False, **kwargs) -> "RasterGeometry": """ Scales the raster geometry as a whole or for each edge. The scaling factor always refers to an edge length of the raster geometry boundary. Parameters ---------- scale_factor : number or list of numbers Scale factors, which have to be given in a clock-wise order, i.e. [left edge, top edge, right edge, bottom edge] or as one value. inplace : bool, optional If True, the current instance will be modified. If False, a new `RasterGeometry` instance will be created (default). **kwargs : Additional keyword arguments for the `RasterGeometry` constructor, e.g. `name` or `description`. Returns ------- geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Scaled raster geometry. """ return self.resize(scale_factor, unit='', inplace=inplace, **kwargs)
[docs] def resize(self, buffer_size, unit='px', inplace=False, **kwargs) -> "RasterGeometry": """ Resizes the raster geometry. The resizing values can be specified as a scale factor, in pixels, or in spatial reference units. A positive value extends, a negative value shrinks the original object (except for the scaling factor). Parameters ---------- buffer_size : number or list of numbers Buffering values, which have to be given in a clock-wise order, i.e. [left edge, top edge, right edge, bottom edge] or as one value. unit : string, optional Unit of the buffering value ˋbuffer_sizeˋ. Possible values are: '': ˋbuffer_sizeˋ is given unitless as a positive scale factor with respect to edge length. 'px': ˋbuffer_sizeˋ is given as number of pixels. 'sr': ˋbuffer_sizeˋ is given in spatial reference units (meters/degrees). inplace : bool, optional If True, the current instance will be modified. If False, a new `RasterGeometry` instance will be created (default). **kwargs : Additional keyword arguments for the `RasterGeometry` constructor, e.g. `name` or `description`. Returns ------- geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Resized raster geometry. """ if not inplace: raster_geom = copy.deepcopy(self) return raster_geom.resize(buffer_size, unit=unit, inplace=True, parent=self, **kwargs) if isinstance(buffer_size, (float, int)): buffer_size = [buffer_size]*4 if unit not in ['', 'px', 'sr']: err_msg = "Unit '{}' is unknown. Please use 'px', 'sr' or ''." raise ValueError(err_msg.format(unit)) if unit == '': if any([elem < 0 for elem in buffer_size]): err_msg = "Scale factors are only allowed to be positive numbers." raise ValueError(err_msg) # first, convert the geometry to a shapely geometry boundary = self.boundary_shapely # then, rotate the geometry to be axis parallel if it is not axis parallel boundary = affinity.rotate(boundary.convex_hull, self.ori*180./np.pi, 'center') # loop over all edges scale_factors = [] for i, buffer_size_i in enumerate(buffer_size): if (i == 0) or (i == 2): # left and right edge if unit == '': # resize extent (0.5 because buffer size always refers to half the edge length) scale_factor = (buffer_size_i - 1) * 0.5 elif unit == 'px': scale_factor = buffer_size_i/float(self.width) else: scale_factor = buffer_size_i/float(self.x_size) else: if unit == '': scale_factor = (buffer_size_i - 1) * 0.5 elif unit == 'px': scale_factor = buffer_size_i/float(self.height) else: scale_factor = buffer_size_i/float(self.y_size) scale_factors.append(scale_factor) # get extent vertices = list(boundary.exterior.coords) x_coords, y_coords = zip(*vertices) min_x = min(x_coords) min_y = min(y_coords) max_x = max(x_coords) max_y = max(y_coords) res_min_x = min_x - self.x_size * scale_factors[0] res_min_y = min_y - self.y_size * scale_factors[3] res_max_x = max_x + self.x_size * scale_factors[2] res_max_y = max_y + self.y_size * scale_factors[1] # create new boundary geometry (clockwise) and rotate it back new_boundary_geom = Polygon(((res_min_x, res_min_y), (res_min_x, res_max_y), (res_max_x, res_max_y), (res_max_x, res_min_y), (res_min_x, res_min_y))) new_boundary_geom = affinity.rotate(new_boundary_geom, -self.ori*180./np.pi, 'center') new_boundary_geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(new_boundary_geom.wkt) new_boundary_geom.AssignSpatialReference(self.sref.osr_sref) res_raster_geom = self.from_geometry(new_boundary_geom, self.x_pixel_size, self.y_pixel_size, px_origin=self.px_origin) parent = kwargs.get('parent') self.parent = parent if parent else copy.deepcopy(self) = kwargs.get('name', self.description = kwargs.get('description', self.description) self.boundary = res_raster_geom.boundary self.n_rows = res_raster_geom.n_rows self.n_cols = res_raster_geom.n_cols self.geotrans = res_raster_geom.geotrans return self
[docs] def to_definition(self) -> dict: """ Creates a human-readable definition of the raster geometry. Returns ------- dict """ raster_geom_dict = dict() raster_geom_dict['name'] = raster_geom_dict['number_of_rows'] = self.n_rows raster_geom_dict['number_of_columns'] = self.n_cols raster_geom_dict['spatial_reference'] = self.sref.to_proj4_dict() raster_geom_dict['geotransformation'] = self.geotrans raster_geom_dict['pixel_origin'] = self.px_origin raster_geom_dict['description'] = self.description return raster_geom_dict
[docs] def to_json(self, filepath): """ Creates a human-readable definition of the raster geometry in JSON format and writes it to disk. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Full JSON file path. """ json_dict = self.to_definition() with open(filepath, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(json_dict, json_file, indent=4)
def __align_pixel_extent(self, min_row=0, min_col=0, max_row=1, max_col=1) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: """ Crops a given pixel extent (min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col) to the pixel limits of the raster geometry. Parameters ---------- min_row : int, optional Minimum row number (defaults to 0). min_col : int, optional Minimum column number (defaults to 0). max_row : int, optional Maximum row number (defaults to 1). max_col : int, optional Maximum column number (defaults to 1). Returns ------- min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col : int, int, int, int Pixel extent not crossing the bounds of the raster geometry. """ min_row = max(0, min_row) min_col = max(0, min_col) max_row = min(self.n_rows-1, max_row) # -1 because of Python indexing max_col = min(self.n_cols-1, max_col) # -1 because of Python indexing if min_row > max_row: err_msg = "The minimum row number is not allowed to be larger than the maximum row number." raise ValueError(err_msg) if min_col > max_col: err_msg = "The minimum column number is not allowed to be larger than the maximum column number." raise ValueError(err_msg) return min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col def __ogr_boundary(self) -> ogr.Geometry: """ ogr.Geometry : Outer boundary of the raster geometry as an OGR polygon. """ boundary = Polygon(self.outer_boundary_corners) # doing a double WKT conversion to prevent precision issues nearby machine epsilon boundary_ogr = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(boundary.wkt).ExportToWkt()) boundary_ogr.AssignSpatialReference(self.sref.osr_sref) return boundary_ogr @_align_geom(align=False) def __contains__(self, geom) -> bool: """ Checks whether a given geometry is contained in the raster geometry. Parameters ---------- geom : geospade.raster.RasterGeometry or ogr.Geometry Geometry to check if being within the raster geometry. Returns ------- bool True if the given geometry is within the raster geometry, otherwise false. """ geom_sref = geom.GetSpatialReference() if not self.sref.osr_sref.IsSame(geom_sref): err_msg = "The spatial reference systems are not equal." raise ValueError(err_msg) return geom.Within(self.boundary) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """ Checks if this and another raster geometry are equal. Equality holds true if the vertices, rows and columns are the same. Parameters ---------- other : geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Raster geometry to compare with. Returns ------- bool True if both raster geometries are the same, otherwise false. """ this_corners = np.around(np.array(self.outer_boundary_corners), decimals=DECIMALS) other_corners = np.around(np.array(other.outer_boundary_corners), decimals=DECIMALS) return np.all(this_corners == other_corners) and \ self.n_rows == other.n_rows and \ self.n_cols == other.n_cols def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: """ Checks if this and another raster geometry are not equal. Non-equality holds true if the vertices, rows or columns differ. Parameters ---------- other : geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Raster geometry object to compare with. Returns ------- bool True if both raster geometries are the not the same, otherwise false. """ return not self == other @_align_geom(align=False) def __and__(self, other) -> "RasterGeometry": """ AND operation intersects both raster geometries. Parameters ---------- other : geospade.raster.RasterGeometry or ogr.Geometry Raster geometry object to intersect with. Returns ------- geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Raster geometry instance defined by the bounding box of the intersection geometry. """ geom_sref = other.GetSpatialReference() if not self.sref.osr_sref.IsSame(geom_sref): err_msg = "The spatial reference systems are not equal." raise ValueError(err_msg) return self.slice_by_geom(other, inplace=False) def __str__(self) -> str: """ Representation of a raster geometry as a Well Known Text (WKT) string. """ return self.boundary_wkt def __getitem__(self, item) -> "RasterGeometry": """ Handles indexing of a raster geometry, which is herein defined as a 2D spatial indexing via X and Y coordinates or pixel slicing. Parameters ---------- item : 2-tuple or 3-tuple - 2-tuple: contains two indexes/slices for row and column pixel indexing/slicing. - 3-tuple: contains two coordinates/slices and one entry for a `SpatialRef` instance defining the spatial reference system of the coordinates. Returns ------- geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Raster geometry defined by the intersection. """ err_msg = "The given way of indexing is not supported. Only two (pixel) or " \ "three (coordinates) indexes are supported." intsct_raster_geom = None if isinstance(item, tuple) and (len(item) in [2, 3]): if isinstance(item[0], slice): min_f_idx = item[0].start max_f_idx = item[0].stop else: min_f_idx = item[0] max_f_idx = item[0] if isinstance(item[1], slice): min_s_idx = item[1].start max_s_idx = item[1].stop else: min_s_idx = item[1] max_s_idx = item[1] if len(item) == 2: height = max_f_idx - min_f_idx width = max_s_idx - min_s_idx intsct_raster_geom = self.slice_by_rc(min_f_idx, min_s_idx, height, width, inplace=False) elif len(item) == 3: sref = item[2] extent = [min_f_idx, min_s_idx, max_f_idx, max_s_idx] intsct_raster_geom = self.from_extent(extent, sref, self.x_pixel_size, self.y_pixel_size, parent=self) else: raise ValueError(err_msg) else: raise ValueError(err_msg) return intsct_raster_geom def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> "RasterGeometry": """ Deepcopy method of the `RasterGeometry` class. Parameters ---------- memo : dict Returns ------- RasterGeometry Deepcopy of a raster geometry. """ cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo)) return result
[docs]class Tile(RasterGeometry): """ A light wrapper around a raster geometry to realise a tile - mosaic relationship. """ def __init__(self, n_rows, n_cols, sref, geotrans=(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1), mosaic_topology="INNER", active=True, metadata=None, name=None, description="", px_origin="ul", parent=None): """ Constructor of the `Tile` class. Parameters ---------- n_rows : int Number of pixel rows. n_cols : int Number of pixel columns. sref : geospade.spatial_ref.SpatialRef Instance representing the spatial reference of the geometry. geotrans : 6-tuple, optional GDAL geotransformation tuple. mosaic_topology : str, optional String defining the relation between the mosaic boundary and the tile. It can be None, "INNER", "OUTER" or "BOUNDARY". Defaults to "INNER". active : bool, optional Defines if a tile is active or not (defaults to True). metadata : dict, optional Dictionary containing tile-based metadata. name : int or str, optional Name of the geometry. description : string, optional Verbal description of the geometry (defaults to ""). px_origin : str, optional Defines the world system origin of the pixel. It can be: - upper left ("ul", default) - upper right ("ur") - lower right ("lr") - lower left ("ll") - center ("c") parent : geospade.raster.Tile Parent `Tile` instance. """ super().__init__(n_rows, n_cols, sref, geotrans, name, description, px_origin, parent) if mosaic_topology not in ["INNER", "OUTER", "BOUNDARY", None]: err_msg = "Relation '{}' is not valid. Use None, 'INNER', 'OUTER' or 'BOUNDARY'." raise ValueError(err_msg.format(mosaic_topology)) self.mosaic_topology = mosaic_topology = active self.metadata = {} if metadata is None else metadata self._mask = None @property def mask(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Binary 2D array representing a pixel mask. """ return self._mask @mask.setter def mask(self, mask): """ Assigns externally generated mask to this tile. Parameters ---------- mask : np.ndarray Binary 2D array. """ if mask.shape != self.shape: err_msg = "Shape mismatch of mask {} and tile {}.".format(mask.shape, self.shape) raise ValueError(err_msg) else: self._mask = mask
[docs] @classmethod def from_definition(cls, definition) -> "Tile": """ Creates a tile from a human-readable tile definition, which is a dictionary containing the following elements: - 'number_of_rows' - 'number_of_columns' - 'spatial_reference' - 'geotransformation' - 'mosaic_topology' - 'active' - 'metadata' - 'name' - 'description' - 'pixel_origin' The expected values can be taken from the `RasterGeometry` and `Tile` constructor docs. Parameters ---------- definition : dict Tile definition. Returns ------- geospade.raster.Tile """ n_rows = definition['number_of_rows'] n_cols = definition['number_of_columns'] sref = SpatialRef(definition['spatial_reference']) geotrans = tuple(definition['geotransformation']) mosaic_topology = definition['mosaic_topology'] active = definition['active'].lower() == 'true' metadata = definition['metadata'] name = definition['name'] description = definition['description'] px_origin = definition['pixel_origin'] return cls(n_rows, n_cols, sref, geotrans, mosaic_topology, active, metadata, name, description, px_origin)
[docs] def to_definition(self) -> dict: """ Creates a human-readable definition of the tile. Returns ------- dict """ tile_dict = super().to_definition() tile_dict['active'] = str( tile_dict['mosaic_topology'] = self.mosaic_topology tile_dict['metadata'] = self.metadata return tile_dict
[docs] def slice_by_rc(self, row, col, height=1, width=1, inplace=False, **kwargs) -> "Tile": """ Intersects the tile with a pixel extent. Parameters ---------- row : int Top-left row number of the pixel window anchor. col : int Top-left column number of the pixel window anchor. height : int, optional Number of rows/height of the pixel window. width : int, optional Number of columns/width of the pixel window. inplace : bool If true, the current instance will be modified (default). If false, a new `RasterGeometry` instance will be created (default). **kwargs : Additional keyword arguments for the `RasterGeometry` constructor, e.g. `name` or `description`. Returns ------- geospade.raster.Tile Tile instance defined by the pixel extent. """ tile = super().slice_by_rc(row, col, height=height, width=width, inplace=inplace, **kwargs) if tile.mask is not None: tile.mask = tile.mask[row:row+height, col:col+width] return tile
[docs]class MosaicGeometry: """ Represents an irregular mosaic of tiles. Tiles are not allowed to intersect with each other. """ _tile_class = Tile __type = 'irregular' def __init__(self, tiles, boundary=None, adjacency_matrix=None, name="", description="", tile_class=Tile, check_consistency=True, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Constructor of `MosaicGeometry` class. Parameters ---------- tiles : pd.Dataframe Data frame containing at least the following columns: - 'tile': geospade.raster.Tile instances - 'active': flag defining if a tile is active or not - 'topology' : spatial relationship of a tile with the mosaic boundary, i.e. 'INNER', 'OUTER', or 'BOUNDARY' The index of the data frame is the tile name/ID of the corresponding tile. boundary : ogr.Geometry, optional Strictly defined boundary of the mosaic, i.e. it defines where coordinates are valid/belong to the grid and where not. If it is None, the cascaded union of all tiles defines the boundary. adjacency_matrix : np.array, optional Adjacency matrix given as a boolean array defining the direct neighbourhood relationships of the given tiles. It needs to have the same size as the given number of tiles. If it is None, an adjacency matrix is created on-the-fly (default). name : str, optional Name of the mosaic. description : string, optional Verbal description of the mosaic (defaults to ""). tile_class : geospade.raster.Tile, optional Tile class of the mosaic. check_consistency : bool, optional If True, the tiles are checked for consistency, i.e. to be non-overlapping (defaults to True). parent : MosaicGeometry Parent `MosaicGeometry` instance. """ if adjacency_matrix is not None: if adjacency_matrix.ndim != 2: err_msg = "Adjacency matrix is expected to be passed as a 2D numpy array." raise ValueError(err_msg) if check_consistency: is_consistent = self.__check_consistency(tiles) if not is_consistent: err_msg = "Tiles are not allowed to overlap!" raise ValueError(err_msg) ref_tile = tiles['tile'].iloc[0] self.sref = ref_tile.sref self.ori = ref_tile.ori self.x_pixel_size = ref_tile.x_pixel_size self.y_pixel_size = ref_tile.y_pixel_size = name self.description = description self.parent = parent self._tiles = tiles if boundary is None: tile_boundaries = [tile.boundary_shapely for tile in self._tiles['tile']] boundary = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(unary_union(tile_boundaries).wkt) boundary.AssignSpatialReference(self.sref.osr_sref) self.boundary = boundary self._adjacency_matrix = adjacency_matrix if adjacency_matrix is None: self._adjacency_matrix = self._build_adjacency_matrix() @property def parent_root(self) -> "MosaicGeometry": """ Finds and returns the root/original parent `MosaicGeometry`. """ mosaic_geom = self while mosaic_geom.parent is not None: mosaic_geom = mosaic_geom.parent return mosaic_geom @property def all_tiles(self) -> list: """ All tiles of the mosaic. """ return list(self._tiles['tile']) @property def all_tile_names(self) -> list: """ list : All tile names of the mosaic. """ return list(self._tiles.index) @property def tiles(self) -> list: """ list : All active tiles of the mosaic. """ return list(self._tiles[self._tiles['active']]['tile']) @property def tile_names(self) -> list: """ list : All active tile names of the mosaic. """ return list(self._tiles[self._tiles['active']].index) @property def coord_extent(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: """ Coordinate extent of the mosaic geometry (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y). """ coord_extents = [] for tile in self.tiles: coord_extents.extend(list(tile.coord_extent)) x_coords, y_coords = coord_extents[::2], coord_extents[1::2] return min(x_coords), min(y_coords), max(x_coords), max(y_coords) @property def outer_extent(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: """ Outer extent of the mosaic geometry, i.e. convex hull covering every pixel (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y). """ min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = self.coord_extent return min_x, min_y - self.y_pixel_size, max_x + self.x_pixel_size, max_y
[docs] @classmethod def from_tile_list(cls, tiles, boundary=None, adjacency_matrix=None, name="", description="", check_consistency=True, **kwargs) -> "MosaicGeometry": """ Helper method to initiate a mosaic from a list of tiles. Parameters ---------- tiles : list of geospade.raster.Tile List of tiles. boundary : ogr.Geometry, optional Strictly defined boundary of the mosaic, i.e. it defines where coordinates are valid/belong to the grid and where not. If it is None, the cascaded union of all tiles defines the boundary. adjacency_matrix : np.array, optional Adjacency matrix given as a boolean array defining the direct neighbourhood relationships of the given tiles. It needs to have the same size as the given number of tiles. If it is None, an adjacency matrix is created on-the-fly (default). name : str, optional Name of the mosaic. description : string, optional Verbal description of the mosaic (defaults to ""). check_consistency : bool, optional If True, the tiles are checked for consistency, i.e. to be non-overlapping (defaults to True). Returns ------- geospade.raster.MosaicGeometry """ return cls(cls._build_tile_df(tiles), boundary=boundary, adjacency_matrix=adjacency_matrix, name=name, description=description, check_consistency=check_consistency, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_definition(cls, definition, check_consistency=True) -> "MosaicGeometry": """ Creates a mosaic geometry from a human-readable mosaic definition, which is a dictionary containing the following elements: - 'type' - 'boundary' - 'name' - 'description' - 'adjacency_matrix' - 'tile_class' - 'tiles' The expected values can be taken from the `MosaicGeometry`, `Tile`, and `RasterGeometry` constructor docs. Parameters ---------- definition : dict Human-readable definition of a mosaic. check_consistency : bool, optional If True, the tiles are checked for consistency, i.e. to be non-overlapping (defaults to True). Returns ------- geospade.raster.MosaicGeometry """ mosaic_type = definition['type'] if mosaic_type != cls.__type: err_msg = "Mosaic type of definition '{}' does not match expected mosaic type '{}'".format(mosaic_type, cls.__type) raise ValueError(err_msg) mosaic_boundary = shapely.wkt.loads(definition['boundary']) mosaic_name = definition['name'] description = definition['description'] adjacency_matrix = None if definition['adjacency_matrix'] is None else np.array(definition['adjacency_matrix']) tiles = [] tile_class_name = definition['tile_class'] tile_class = globals().get(tile_class_name) if tile_class is None: err_msg = "Tile class '{}' must be imported.".format(tile_class_name) raise ImportError(err_msg) for key in definition['tiles'].keys(): tiles.append(tile_class.from_definition(definition['tiles'][key])) return cls.from_tile_list(tiles, boundary=mosaic_boundary, adjacency_matrix=adjacency_matrix, name=mosaic_name, description=description, check_consistency=check_consistency)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, filepath, check_consistency=True) -> "MosaicGeometry": """ Creates a mosaic geometry from disk. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Full JSON file path. check_consistency : bool, optional If True, the tiles are checked for consistency, i.e. to be non-overlapping (defaults to True). Returns ------- geospade.raster.MosaicGeometry """ if not os.path.exists(filepath): err_msg = "'{}' does not exist.".format(filepath) raise FileNotFoundError(err_msg) with open(filepath, 'r') as def_file: definition = json.load(def_file) return cls.from_definition(definition, check_consistency)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_tile_class() -> object: """ Tile class used by the mosaic. """ return MosaicGeometry._tile_class
[docs] def xy2tile(self, x, y, sref=None) -> "Tile": """ Returns the tile intersecting with the given world system coordinates. If the coordinates are outside the mosaic boundary, no tile is returned. Parameters ---------- x : number World system coordinate in X direction. y : number World system coordinate in Y direction. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference system of the world system coordinates. If None, the spatial reference system of the coordinates and the spatial reference system of the mosaic are assumed to be the same (default). Returns ------- geospade.raster.Tile : Tile intersecting/matching with the given world system coordinates. """ # create OGR point point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) point.AddPoint(x, y) osr_sref = self.sref.osr_sref if sref is None else sref.osr_sref point.AssignSpatialReference(osr_sref) return self.poi2tile(point, sref=sref)
[docs] @_align_geom(align=True) def poi2tile(self, poi, sref=None) -> Tile: """ Returns the tile intersecting with the given point of interest in world system coordinates. If the coordinates are outside the mosaic boundary, no tile is returned. Parameters ---------- poi : ogr.wkbPoint Point of interest. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference system of the world system coordinates. If None, the spatial reference system of the coordinates and the spatial reference system of the mosaic are assumed to be the same (default). Returns ------- geospade.raster.Tile : Tile intersecting/matching with the given world system coordinates. """ tile_oi = None if self._poi_intersects(poi): # point is inside grid definition for tile in self.all_tiles: if tile.intersects(poi): # point is inside tile tile_oi = self._mask_tile(tile) break return tile_oi
def _poi_intersects(self, poi) -> bool: """ Checks if the given point intersects with the mosaic. If not, a warning is raised. Parameters ---------- poi : ogr.wkbPoint Point of interest. Returns ------- poi_intscts : bool True if the point intersects with the mosaic, false if not. """ poi_intscts = poi.Intersects(self.boundary) if not poi_intscts: wrn_msg = f"The given point ({poi.GetX()},{poi.GetY()}) is not within the mosaic boundary." warnings.warn(wrn_msg) return poi_intscts
[docs] def name2tile(self, tile_name, active_only=True, apply_mask=True) -> "Tile": """ Converts a tile name to a tile. Parameters ---------- tile_name : str Tile name. active_only : bool, optional If true, only active tiles are returned (default). apply_mask : bool, optional If true, tiles will have a mask for reflecting the relation with the exact mosaic boundary (default). Returns ------- geospade.raster.Tile : Tile referring to `tile_name`. """ if tile_name not in self._tiles.index: err_msg = "Tile name '{}' is not available.".format(tile_name) raise KeyError(err_msg) tile_oi = self._tiles.loc[tile_name]['tile'] if apply_mask: tile_oi = self._mask_tile(tile_oi) if active_only and not self._tiles.loc[tile_name, 'active']: tile_oi = None return tile_oi
[docs] def get_neighbouring_tiles(self, tile_name, active_only=True, apply_mask=True) -> list: """ Returns all tiles being in the direct neighbourhood of the tile with the given tile name. Parameters ---------- tile_name : str or int Tile name. active_only : bool, optional If true, only active tiles are returned (default). apply_mask : bool, optional If true, tiles will have a mask for reflecting the relation with the exact mosaic boundary (default). Returns ------- list : List of tiles being in the neighbourhood of `tile_name`. """ tile_idx = self.all_tile_names.index(tile_name) nbr_idxs = self._adjacency_matrix[tile_idx, :] nbr_tiles_df = self._tiles.iloc[nbr_idxs] if active_only: nbr_tiles = list(nbr_tiles_df[nbr_tiles_df['active']]['tile']) else: nbr_tiles = list(nbr_tiles_df['tile']) if apply_mask: nbr_tiles = [self._mask_tile(nbr_tile) for nbr_tile in nbr_tiles] nbr_tiles = dict([(, nbr_tile) for nbr_tile in nbr_tiles]) return nbr_tiles
[docs] @_align_geom(align=True) def select_tiles_by_geom(self, geom, sref=None, active_only=True, apply_mask=True) -> dict: """ Computes an intersection figure of the mosaic and another geometry and returns the tiles intersecting with this figure. Parameters ---------- geom : ogr.Geometry Other geometry to intersect with. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference of `geom`. Has to be given if the spatial reference is different than the spatial reference of the mosaic. active_only : bool, optional If true, only active tiles are returned (default). apply_mask : bool, optional If true, tiles will have a mask for reflecting the relation with the exact mosaic boundary (default). Returns ------- dict Dictionary of tiles (key=tilename, value=tile object). """ selected_tiles = dict() tile_ids_done = [] tiles = self.tiles if active_only else self.all_tiles for tile in tiles: if tile.intersects(geom): tile_ids_done.append( tile = self._mask_tile(tile) if apply_mask else tile selected_tiles[] = tile nbr_tiles = self.get_neighbouring_tiles(, active_only).values() while len(nbr_tiles) > 0: new_nbr_tiles = [] for nbr_tile in nbr_tiles: if not in tile_ids_done: tile_ids_done.append( if nbr_tile.intersects(geom): nbr_tile = self._mask_tile(nbr_tile) if apply_mask else nbr_tile selected_tiles[] = nbr_tile next_nbr_tiles = self.get_neighbouring_tiles(, active_only).values() next_nbr_tiles = [nnbr_tile for nnbr_tile in next_nbr_tiles if not in tile_ids_done] new_nbr_tiles.extend(next_nbr_tiles) nbr_tiles = new_nbr_tiles break return selected_tiles
[docs] @_align_geom(align=True) def slice_by_geom(self, geom, sref=None, active_only=True, apply_mask=True, inplace=False, name="", description="", parent=None) -> "MosaicGeometry": """ Computes an intersection figure of the mosaic and another geometry, which is a new mosaic only containing tiles intersecting with the given geometry. Parameters ---------- geom : ogr.Geometry Other geometry to intersect with. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference of `geom`. Has to be given if the spatial reference is different than the spatial reference of the raster geometry. active_only : bool, optional If true, only active tiles are returned (default). apply_mask : bool, optional True if pixels outside the geometry should be masked (default). False if every pixel withing the bounding box of the geometry should be included. inplace : bool, optional If true, the current mosaic is modified. If false, a new mosaic instance will be returned (default). name : str, optional Name of the sliced mosaic. description : string, optional Verbal description of the sliced mosaic (defaults to ""). Returns ------- MosaicGeometry : Sliced mosaic. Notes ----- This operation dissolves the relationship (in terms of names/IDs) between the mosaic and a tile. """ if not inplace: new_mosaic = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_mosaic.slice_by_geom(geom, sref=sref, active_only=active_only, inplace=True, name=name, description=description, parent=self) tiles = self.select_tiles_by_geom(geom, active_only) intsctd_tiles = [] for i, tile in enumerate(tiles.values()): # intersected tile does not have a relation with the original mosaic tile anymore intsctd_tile = tile.slice_by_geom(geom, sref=sref, snap_to_grid=True, inplace=False, name=str(i), mosaic_topology=None, active=True) origin = (tile.ul_x, tile.ul_y) min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = rel_extent(origin, intsctd_tile.coord_extent, x_pixel_size=intsctd_tile.x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size=intsctd_tile.y_pixel_size) intsctd_tile.mask = tile.mask[min_row: max_row + 1, min_col: max_col + 1] if apply_mask: intrsctn = intsctd_tile.boundary_ogr.Intersection(geom) intrsctn.FlattenTo2D() geom_mask = rasterise_polygon(shapely.wkt.loads(intrsctn.ExportToWkt()), intsctd_tile.x_pixel_size, intsctd_tile.y_pixel_size, extent=intsctd_tile.coord_extent) intsctd_tile.mask *= geom_mask intsctd_tiles.append(intsctd_tile) if len(intsctd_tiles) == 0: return self.parent = parent if parent is not None else copy.deepcopy(self) = name self.description = description self._tiles = self._build_tile_df(intsctd_tiles) self.boundary = self.boundary self._adjacency_matrix = self._build_adjacency_matrix() return self
[docs] @_align_geom(align=True) def select_by_geom(self, geom, sref=None, inplace=False) -> "MosaicGeometry": """ Activates all mosaic tiles intersecting with the given geometry. Parameters ---------- geom : ogr.Geometry or geospade.raster.RasterGeometry Other geometry to intersect with. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference of `geom`. Has to be given if the spatial reference is different than the spatial reference of the raster geometry. inplace : bool, optional If true, the current mosaic is modified. If false, a new mosaic instance will be returned (default). Returns ------- MosaicGeometry : Mosaic with tiles being active according to the intersection between the mosaic and the given geometry. """ if not inplace: new_mosaic = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_mosaic.select_by_geom(geom, inplace=True) tiles = self.select_tiles_by_geom(geom, False, False) tile_names = list(tiles.keys()) self._tiles['active'] = False self._tiles.loc[tile_names, 'active'] = True return self
[docs] def select_by_tile_names(self, tile_names, inplace=False) -> "MosaicGeometry": """ Activates all mosaic tiles with the given names. Parameters ---------- tile_names : list of str List of tile names. inplace : bool, optional If true, the current mosaic is modified. If false, a new mosaic instance will be returned (default). Returns ------- MosaicGeometry : Mosaic with tiles being active according to the given tile names. """ if not inplace: new_mosaic = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_mosaic.select_by_tile_names(tile_names, inplace=True) self._tiles['active'] = False for tile_name in tile_names: self._tiles.loc[tile_name, 'active'] = True return self
[docs] def select_by_tile_metadata(self, metadata, inplace=False) -> "MosaicGeometry": """ Activates all mosaic tiles matching the given metadata dictionary. Parameters ---------- metadata : dict Tile metadata dictionary. inplace : bool, optional If true, the current mosaic is modified. If false, a new mosaic instance will be returned (default). Returns ------- MosaicGeometry : Mosaic with tiles being active according to the given tile metadata. """ if not inplace: new_mosaic = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_mosaic.select_by_tile_metadata(metadata, inplace=True) tile_df = self._tiles for key, value in metadata.items(): if key not in self._tiles.columns: err_msg = "Metadata key '{}' is not available".format(key) raise KeyError(err_msg) else: tile_df = tile_df[tile_df[key] == value] self._tiles['active'] = False self._tiles.loc[tile_df.index, 'active'] = True return self
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, facecolor='tab:red', edgecolor='black', edgewidth=1, alpha=1., proj=None, show=False, label_tiles=False, add_country_borders=True, extent=None, active_only=True, plot_boundary=True): """ Plots the tiles of the irregular mosaic geometry on a map. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.axes Pre-defined Matplotlib axis. facecolor : str, optional Color code as described at (default is 'tab:red'). edgecolor : str, optional Color code as described at (default is 'black'). edgewidth : float, optional Width the of edge line (defaults to 1). alpha : float, optional Opacity of the boundary polygon (default is 1.). proj :, optional Cartopy projection instance defining the projection of the axes (default is None). If None, the projection of the spatial reference system of the mosaic is taken. show : bool, optional If True, the plot result is shown (default is False). label_tiles : bool, optional If True, the tile names are plotted at the center of each tile (default is False). add_country_borders : bool, optional If True, country borders are added to the plot (`cartopy.feature.BORDERS`) (default is False). extent : tuple or list, optional Coordinate/Map extent of the plot, given as [min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y] (default is None, meaning global extent). active_only : bool, optional If true, only active tiles are plotted (default). plot_boundary : bool, optional If true, the mosaic boundary is plotted (default). Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.axes Matplotlib axis containing a Cartopy map with the plotted irregular mosaic tiles. """ if 'matplotlib' in sys.modules: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt else: err_msg = "Module 'matplotlib' is mandatory for plotting a MosaicGeometry object." raise ImportError(err_msg) tiles = self.tiles if active_only else self.all_tiles for tile in tiles: ax = tile.plot(ax, facecolor, edgecolor, edgewidth, alpha, proj, False, label_tiles, add_country_borders, extent) if plot_boundary: mosaic_boundary = shapely.wkt.loads(self.boundary.ExportToWkt()) x_coords_bound, y_coords_bound = list(zip(*mosaic_boundary.exterior.coords)) this_proj = self.sref.to_cartopy_proj() transform = this_proj._as_mpl_transform(ax) ax.plot(x_coords_bound, y_coords_bound, color='k', linewidth=2, transform=transform) if show: return ax
[docs] def to_definition(self) -> dict: """ Creates a human-readable mosaic definition. """ definition = OrderedDict() definition['name'] = definition['description'] = self.description definition['tiles'] = OrderedDict() definition['type'] = self.__type definition['adjacency_matrix'] = self._adjacency_matrix.tolist() definition['boundary'] = self.boundary.ExportToWkt() definition['tile_class'] = type(self._tiles['tile'].iloc[0]).__name__ for i, tile in enumerate(self.all_tiles): = self._tiles.iloc[i]['active'] definition['tiles'][i] = tile.to_definition() return definition
[docs] def to_json(self, filepath): """ Dumps mosaic represented by its human-readable definition and adjacency matrix to disk. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Full JSON file path. """ with open(filepath, 'w') as def_file: json.dump(self.to_definition(), def_file, indent=4)
def _mask_tile(self, tile) -> Tile: """ Creates a pixel mask for the specified tile, where 1 is inside and 0 outside the mosaic boundary. Parameters ---------- tile : geospade.raster.Tile Tile to mask/intersect with the mosaic boundary. Returns ------- tile : geospade.raster.Tile Tile with the assigned mask. """ if tile.mask is None: if tile.mosaic_topology == 'INNER': tile.mask = np.ones(tile.shape, dtype=np.uint8) elif tile.mosaic_topology == 'OUTER': tile.mask = np.zeros(tile.shape, dtype=np.uint8) elif tile.mosaic_topology == 'BOUNDARY': intrsct_geom = self.boundary.Intersection(tile.boundary) # first, using 'outer_boundary_extent' as a pixel buffer for generating the rasterised # pixel skeleton # second, reduce this pixel buffer again to the coordinate extent by skipping the last # row and column tile.mask = rasterise_polygon(intrsct_geom, tile.x_pixel_size, tile.y_pixel_size, tile.outer_boundary_extent)[:-1, :-1] return tile @staticmethod def _build_tile_df(tiles) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Converts a list of tiles to a data frame. Parameters ---------- tiles : list of geospade.raster.Tile List of tiles. Returns ------- pd.Dataframe Dataframe storing relevant tile information. """ ref_tile = tiles[0] columns = ['tile', 'active', 'topology'] + list(ref_tile.metadata.keys()) tile_dict = dict() for column in columns: tile_dict[column] = [] index = [] for tile in tiles: tile_dict['tile'].append(tile) index.append( tile_dict['active'].append( tile_dict['topology'].append(tile.mosaic_topology) for key, value in tile.metadata.items(): if key not in columns: err_msg = "Metadata key '{}' differs from existing keys.".format(key) raise KeyError(err_msg) else: tile_dict[key].append(value) return pd.DataFrame(tile_dict, index=index) def _build_adjacency_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """ 2D numpy array representing an adjacency matrix, i.e. it contains information which tiles lay within the direct neighbourhood of one tile. """ tiles = self._tiles['tile'] n_tiles = len(tiles) adjacency_matrix = np.zeros((n_tiles, n_tiles), dtype=bool) for i in range(n_tiles): for j in range(i, n_tiles): if i != j: if tiles.iloc[i].touches(tiles.iloc[j]): adjacency_matrix[i, j] = True adjacency_matrix[j, i] = True return adjacency_matrix def __check_consistency(self, tile_df) -> bool: """ Checks if the given tiles are consistent, which is the case if they do not overlap. Parameters ---------- tile_df : pd.Dataframe Data frame containing at least the following columns: - 'tile': geospade.raster.Tile instances - 'active': flag defining if a tile is active or not - 'topology' : spatial relationship of a tile with the mosaic boundary, i.e. 'INNER', 'OUTER', or 'BOUNDARY' The index of the data frame is the tile name/ID of the corresponding tile. Returns ------- is_consistent : bool True if the mosaic is valid/consistent, False if not. """ tiles = tile_df['tile'] is_consistent = True n_tiles = len(tiles) for i in range(n_tiles): for j in range(i, n_tiles): if i != j: if tiles[i].overlaps(tiles[j]): is_consistent = False break if not is_consistent: break return is_consistent def __getitem__(self, item) -> dict: """ Handles slicing of a mosaic, which is herein defined as either 1D indexing with a tile name or 3D spatial indexing via X and Y coordinates and their spatial reference. Parameters ---------- item : str or 3-tuple - str : a tile name - 3-tuple : contains two coordinates/slices and one entry for a `SpatialRef` instance defining the spatial reference system of the coordinates Returns ------- `Tile` or dict of (tile name, geospade.raster.Tile) pairs: Returns either one or multiple tiles from the mosaic. """ ret_geom = None if isinstance(item, (str, int)): ret_geom = self.name2tile(item) elif isinstance(item, tuple) and (len(item) == 3): if isinstance(item[0], slice): min_f_idx = item[0].start max_f_idx = item[0].stop else: min_f_idx = item[0] max_f_idx = item[0] if isinstance(item[1], slice): min_s_idx = item[1].start max_s_idx = item[1].stop else: min_s_idx = item[1] max_s_idx = item[1] sref = item[2] extent = [(min_f_idx, min_s_idx), (max_f_idx, max_s_idx)] boundary = bbox_to_polygon(extent, sref) ret_geom = self.select_tiles_by_geom(boundary) else: err_msg = "The given way of indexing is not supported. Only one (tile name) or " \ "three (coordinates) indexes are supported." raise ValueError(err_msg) return ret_geom def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> "MosaicGeometry": """ Deepcopy method of the `MosaicGeometry` class. Parameters ---------- memo : dict Returns ------- MosaicGeometry Deepcopy of a mosaic. """ cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): v_copy = copy.deepcopy(v, memo) # tiles, i.e. mutable objects need to be deep-copied explicitly if k == '_tiles': v_copy['tile'] = [copy.deepcopy(tile, memo) for tile in v_copy['tile']] setattr(result, k, v_copy) return result
[docs]class RegularMosaicGeometry(MosaicGeometry): """ Represents a regular, homogeneous mosaic of tiles. This means tiles are not allowed to overlap or vary in size. """ __type = 'regular' def __init__(self, tiles, boundary=None, adjacency_matrix=None, name="", description="", check_consistency=True, **kwargs): """ Constructor of `RegularMosaicGeometry` class. Parameters ---------- tiles : pd.Dataframe Data frame containing at least the following columns: - 'tile': geospade.raster.Tile instances - 'active': flag defining if a tile is active or not - 'topology' : spatial relationship of a tile with the mosaic boundary, i.e. 'INNER', 'OUTER', or 'BOUNDARY' The index of the data frame is the tile name/ID of the corresponding tile. boundary : ogr.Geometry, optional Strictly defined boundary of the mosaic, i.e. it defines where coordinates are valid/belong to the grid and where not. If it is None, the cascaded union of all tiles defines the boundary. adjacency_matrix : np.array, optional Adjacency matrix given as a boolean array defining the direct neighbourhood relationships of the given tiles. It needs have the same size as the given number of tiles. If it is None, an adjacency matrix is created on-the-fly (default). name : str, optional Name of the mosaic. description : string, optional Verbal description of the mosaic geometry (defaults to ""). check_consistency : bool, optional If True, the tiles are checked for consistency, i.e. to be non-overlapping and of the same shape (defaults to True). """ if check_consistency: is_consistent = self.__check_consistency(tiles) if not is_consistent: err_msg = "Tiles differ in their shape." raise ValueError(err_msg) super(RegularMosaicGeometry, self).__init__(tiles, boundary, adjacency_matrix, name, description, check_consistency, **kwargs) ul_xs, ul_ys = zip(*[(tile.ul_x, tile.ul_y) for tile in tiles['tile']]) ul_x, ul_y = min(ul_xs), max(ul_ys) ref_tile = tiles['tile'].iloc[0] geotrans = ref_tile.geotrans x_tile_size = ref_tile.x_size y_tile_size = ref_tile.y_size raster_geom_geotrans = (ul_x, x_tile_size, geotrans[2], ul_y, geotrans[4], -y_tile_size) n_rows, n_cols = adjacency_matrix.shape self._raster_geom = RasterGeometry(n_rows, n_cols, self.sref, geotrans=raster_geom_geotrans)
[docs] @classmethod def from_rectangular_definition(cls, n_rows, n_cols, x_tile_size, y_tile_size, sref, geotrans=(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), tile_class=Tile, tile_kwargs=None, name_frmt="S{:03d}W{:03d}", boundary=None, name="", description="", **kwargs) -> "RegularMosaicGeometry": """ Creates a `RegularMosaicGeometry` instance from a well-defined definition of mosaic, i.e. origin, tile sizes, number of tiles and spatial reference system. Parameters ---------- n_rows : int Number of mosaic tiles on Y direction. n_cols : int Number of mosaic tiles on X direction. x_tile_size : number Size/width of one tile given in X direction and in world system units. y_tile_size : number Size/width of one tile given in Y direction and in world system units. sref : SpatialRef Spatial reference system of the mosaic. geotrans : 6-tuple, optional GDAL geotransformation tuple containing information about the origin of the mosaic, its pixel sampling and its orientation (defaults to (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)) tile_class : class, optional Class inheriting from `Tile` (default). tile_kwargs : dict, optional Key-word arguments for the tile initialisation (defaults to None). name_frmt : str, optional Formatter string for the tile name containing placeholders for two arguments, the mosaic row, and the mosaic col (defaults to "S{:03d}W{:03d}"). name : str, optional Name of the mosaic. description : string, optional Verbal description of the mosaic geometry (defaults to ""). **kwargs : Key-word arguments for the mosaic initialisation. Returns ------- geospade.raster.RegularMosaicGeometry : Regular mosaic geometry defined by the given origin, tile sizes, number of tiles and the spatial reference system. """ tile_kwargs = {} if tile_kwargs is None else tile_kwargs mosaic_ul_x, mosaic_ul_y = geotrans[0], geotrans[3] x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size = geotrans[1], geotrans[5] tile_height = int(round(y_tile_size / abs(y_pixel_size), DECIMALS)) tile_width = int(round(x_tile_size / x_pixel_size, DECIMALS)) # reset tile size to full units of pixel sizes x_tile_size = tile_width * x_pixel_size y_tile_size = tile_height * abs(y_pixel_size) # compute mosaic orientation ori = -np.arctan2(geotrans[2], geotrans[1]) adjacency_matrix = np.zeros((n_rows, n_cols), dtype=np.int64) tiles = [] tile_counter = 0 for mosaic_row in range(n_rows): # append points from N to S/ul to ll mosaic_row_ul_x, mosaic_row_ul_y = polar_point(mosaic_ul_x, mosaic_ul_y, y_tile_size*mosaic_row, ori - np.pi / 2., False) for mosaic_col in range(n_cols): # append points from W to E/ul to ur tile_ul_x, tile_ul_y = polar_point(mosaic_row_ul_x, mosaic_row_ul_y, x_tile_size*mosaic_col, ori, False) tile_geotrans = list(geotrans) tile_geotrans[0] = tile_ul_x tile_geotrans[3] = tile_ul_y tile_id = name_frmt.format(mosaic_row, mosaic_col) tile = tile_class(tile_height, tile_width, sref, geotrans=tuple(tile_geotrans), name=str(tile_id), **tile_kwargs) if boundary is not None: if tile.within(boundary): tile.mosaic_topology = "INNER" elif tile.intersects(boundary): tile.mosaic_topology = "BOUNDARY" else: tile.mosaic_topology = "OUTER" tiles.append(tile) adjacency_matrix[mosaic_row, mosaic_col] = tile_counter tile_counter += 1 return cls.from_tile_list(tiles, boundary=boundary, adjacency_matrix=adjacency_matrix, name=name, description=description, check_consistency=True, **kwargs)
@property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Shape (height/number of tiles in Y direction, width/number of tiles in X direction) of the regular mosaic. """ return self._adjacency_matrix.shape
[docs] @_align_geom(align=True) def poi2tile(self, poi, sref=None) -> Tile: """ Returns the tile intersecting with the given point of interest in world system coordinates. If the coordinates are outside the mosaic boundary, no tile is returned. Parameters ---------- poi : ogr.wkbPoint Point of interest. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference system of the world system coordinates. If None, the spatial reference system of the coordinates and the spatial reference system of the mosaic are assumed to be the same (default). Returns ------- geospade.raster.Tile : Tile intersecting/matching with the given world system coordinates. """ tile_oi = None if self._poi_intersects(poi): # point is inside grid definition mosaic_row, mosaic_col = self._raster_geom.xy2rc(poi.GetX(), poi.GetY(), sref=sref) tile_oi = self.__tile_from_rc(mosaic_row, mosaic_col) return tile_oi
[docs] def get_neighbouring_tiles(self, tile_name, active_only=True, apply_mask=True) -> dict: """ Returns all tiles being in the direct neighbourhood of the tile with the given tile name. Parameters ---------- tile_name : str Tile name. active_only : bool, optional If true, only active tiles are returned (default). apply_mask : bool, optional If true, tiles will have a mask for reflecting the relation with the exact mosaic boundary (default). Returns ------- list of `Tile`: List of tiles being in the neighbourhood of `tile_name`. """ cntr_tile = self.name2tile(tile_name) mosaic_row, mosaic_col = self._raster_geom.xy2rc(cntr_tile.ul_x, cntr_tile.ul_y) nbr_tiles = dict() for r in range(3): for c in range(3): if r == 1 and c == 1: # exclude the main tile continue nbr_tile_r = mosaic_row - 1 + r nbr_tile_c = mosaic_col - 1 + c if not self.__rc_is_within(nbr_tile_r, nbr_tile_c): # ignore tiles being outside the grid boundaries continue nbr_tile = self.__tile_from_rc(nbr_tile_r, nbr_tile_c) if nbr_tile is not None: if active_only and not self._tiles.loc[, 'active']: continue if apply_mask: nbr_tile = self._mask_tile(nbr_tile) nbr_tiles[] = nbr_tile return nbr_tiles
[docs] @_align_geom(align=True) def select_tiles_by_geom(self, geom, sref=None, active_only=True, apply_mask=True) -> dict: """ Computes an intersection figure of the mosaic and another geometry and returns the tiles intersecting with this figure. Parameters ---------- geom : ogr.Geometry Other geometry to intersect with. sref : SpatialRef, optional Spatial reference of `geom`. Has to be given if the spatial reference is different than the spatial reference of the raster geometry. active_only : bool, optional If true, only active tiles are returned (default). apply_mask : bool, optional If true, tiles will have a mask for reflecting the relation with the exact mosaic boundary (default). Returns ------- dict Dictionary of tiles (key=tilename, value=tile object). """ intsctd_raster_geom = self._raster_geom.slice_by_geom(geom, snap_to_grid=True, inplace=False) if intsctd_raster_geom is None: return None intsctd_mosaic_height, intsctd_mosaic_width = intsctd_raster_geom.shape selected_tiles = dict() for intsctd_mosaic_row in range(intsctd_mosaic_height): for intsctd_mosaic_col in range(intsctd_mosaic_width): tile_ul_x, tile_ul_y = intsctd_raster_geom.rc2xy(intsctd_mosaic_row, intsctd_mosaic_col) mosaic_row, mosaic_col = self._raster_geom.xy2rc(tile_ul_x, tile_ul_y) tile = self.__tile_from_rc(mosaic_row, mosaic_col) if tile is not None: if tile is not None: if active_only and not self._tiles.loc[, 'active']: continue if apply_mask: tile = self._mask_tile(tile) selected_tiles[] = tile return selected_tiles
def __tile_from_rc(self, r, c) -> Tile: """ Retrieves tile from adjacency matrix indices, i.e. mosaic row and column numbers. Parameters ---------- r : int Mosaic row number. c : int Mosaic column number. Returns ------- geospade.raster.Tile : Tile related to the given mosaic indexes. """ tile_idx = self._adjacency_matrix[r, c] tile = self._tiles.iloc[tile_idx]['tile'] return tile def __rc_is_within(self, r, c) -> bool: """ Checks if a mosaic row and column index is within the boundaries of the mosaic. Parameters ---------- r : int Row index. c : int Column index. Returns ------- is_within : bool True if the given indexes are within the boundaries of the mosaic geometry, False otherwise. """ max_mosaic_row, max_mosaic_col = self.shape is_within = True if r >= max_mosaic_row: is_within = False if c >= max_mosaic_col: is_within = False if r < 0: is_within = False if c < 0: is_within = False return is_within def __check_consistency(self, tile_df) -> bool: """ Checks if the given tiles are consistent, which is the case if they match in pixel size, shape and spatial reference system. Parameters ---------- Parameters ---------- tile_df : pd.Dataframe Data frame containing at least the following columns: - 'tile': geospade.raster.Tile instances - 'active': flag defining if a tile is active or not - 'topology' : spatial relationship of a tile with the mosaic boundary, i.e. 'INNER', 'OUTER', or 'BOUNDARY' The index of the data frame is the tile name/ID of the corresponding tile. Returns ------- is_consistent : bool True if the mosaic is valid/consistent, False if not. """ tiles = tile_df['tile'] ref_tile = tiles[0] x_pixel_size = ref_tile.x_pixel_size y_pixel_size = ref_tile.y_pixel_size shape = ref_tile.shape sref = ref_tile.sref is_consistent = True for tile in tiles[1:]: if x_pixel_size != tile.x_pixel_size: is_consistent = False if y_pixel_size != tile.y_pixel_size: is_consistent = False if shape != tile.shape: is_consistent = False if sref != tile.sref: is_consistent = False if not is_consistent: break return is_consistent def _build_adjacency_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """ 2D numpy array representing an adjacency matrix, i.e. it contains information which tiles lay within the direct neighbourhood of one tile. """ tiles = self._tiles['tile'] ref_tile = tiles.iloc[0] ul_xs, ul_ys = zip(*[(tile.ul_x, tile.ul_y) for tile in tiles]) ll_xs, ll_ys = zip(*[tile.rc2xy(tile.n_rows - 1, 0, 'll') for tile in tiles]) ur_xs, ur_ys = zip(*[tile.rc2xy(0, tile.n_cols - 1, 'ur') for tile in tiles]) ll_x = min(ll_xs) ll_y = min(ll_ys) ul_x = min(ul_xs) ul_y = max(ul_ys) ur_x = max(ur_xs) ur_y = max(ur_ys) geotrans = ref_tile.geotrans sref = ref_tile.sref x_tile_size = ref_tile.x_size y_tile_size = ref_tile.y_size raster_geom_geotrans = (ul_x, x_tile_size, geotrans[2], ul_y, geotrans[4], -y_tile_size) height = np.sqrt((ll_x - ul_x)**2 + (ll_y - ul_y)**2) width = np.sqrt((ul_x - ur_x)**2 + (ul_y - ur_y)**2) n_rows = int(round(height / y_tile_size, DECIMALS)) n_cols = int(round(width / x_tile_size, DECIMALS)) raster_geom = RasterGeometry(n_rows, n_cols, sref, raster_geom_geotrans) adjacency_matrix = np.ones(raster_geom.shape, dtype=int) * -1 for i, tile in enumerate(tiles): x_cntr, y_cntr = tile.centre r, c = raster_geom.xy2rc(x_cntr, y_cntr) adjacency_matrix[r, c] = i return adjacency_matrix
[docs]def find_congruent_tile_id_from_tiles(tile_oi, tiles) -> str: """ Looks for the first tile in `tiles` matching the spatial properties of `tile_oi` and returns its tile ID. Parameters ---------- tile_oi : Tile Reference tile. tiles : list of Tile List of tiles. Returns ------- congr_tile_id : str Tile ID of the congruent tile. """ congr_tile_id = None for tile in tiles: if tile_oi == tile: congr_tile_id = break return congr_tile_id
if __name__ == '__main__': pass